Habits In the Making
/First day of family vacay in AZ!
With my sidepiece.
Water: I have started to drink water again. I used to do this when the babies were actually babies, and my thirst could never be quenched while nursing. It’s been years and I have struggled to keep it up. What has helped was purchasing this water bottle from Amazon and only using it to drink from all day.
Bedtime: This one is a toughie. In the past we have stayed up watching shows until 11p, 12a, even 1am to wake up at 4a, 5a, 6a.. Clearly that is not sustainable or healthy. Our reasoning was that the kids were finally in bed and so our only time together was during these evening hours. We have started going to bed soon after them, at least getting in bed and either reading or chatting before falling asleep. The downside is that we aren’t keeping up on what everyone is watching. The upside: our time feels more intimate in bed rather than sitting on the couch and we’re getting the z’s that our bodies actually need to function. This leads me to my third habit change.
Exercise: I have started to work out on a regular schedule, typically 5 days a week. I am not saying that’s what you should be doing, but it’s a part of the work out routine that I follow, and it makes me feel good! I have begun waking up early enough to get my workout in before the kids are up and before I need to start work. Now don’t get it twisted, I am not a morning person! I never have been. However, this hour that I have given to myself to wake up, (after having gone to bed at a decent hour) and work out without the interruption of a fight, or child in need of their 10th snack, or wanting to be my workout buddy - it feels SO good. I actually look forward to waking up now because of the endorphins I get after my sweat sesh. It definitely makes tacking the day that much easier when I feel that I have done at least one thing for myself.
Vitamins: Every night before bed I have started taking my vitamins. Now what your body needs is different than mine, but I take Iron because most commonly females, are deficient in it. Especially with the fact that I don’t eat meat, my body needs that extra bit of energy. I also take these apple cider vinegar gummies. I have tried consuming apple cider vinegar diluted in water, or as a straight shot & if it’s not a shot followed with a lime wedge, I’m just not into it. And with my aging metabolism, I need all the help I can get!
They say it takes two weeks to form a habit. While I have spent years forming bad ones, I have recently put focus into changing those. Three months to be exact.
Have you ever reached a breaking point? Maybe it was something someone said that finally hit home, or a photo you saw that allowed you to see from a different perspective. This happened for me in January. We went on a family vacation and while there we ate all the things, drank all the drinks, and didn’t bother getting enough sleep. We were too busy binging shows and so excited to wake up to sunshine that we ran off Starbucks coffee all day, every day. Now I know that it’s also healthy for the mind to relax and allow yourself to break your own rules from time to time, but I felt unhappy. I hadn’t been focused on any kind of health routine of any kind for too long and I felt it. My pants felt it, my skin, and my mind.
I decided the day we got home that starting then I was going to put effort back into my health. Here are some of the steps that I have taken on to help reset my mind.
My workout essentials!
Not to say I have any wisdom, but after birthing three babies, I know what it’s like to put all self-care on hold. I know what it’s like to feel like total crap. I mean seriously, pregnancy and post cannot make you feel any more disgusting. That’s a topic for another time; extra hair, sweat, acne, liquids, weight, and the list goes on…So what I am trying to sum up is that these four steps I have taken to get myself back on track, have made that tiny dent into regaining my confidence, identity outside of motherhood, and make me feel like a woman who has (some) of her sh*t together. I hope you find what helps you and put those habits into play. YOU deserve it.
Xoxo, Meegan