Spring Cleaning
/If just reading the title of this blog post has got you frantic, fear not. We’ve technically got a few weeks until spring officially begins, but in the Buschor household we are more than ready for some spring cleaning. The Christmas decor is long gone, the winter decor is trickling out, and spring decor is slowly but surely rolling in. I always love a good deep-ish clean before I officially decorate for spring. Wiping off the shelves as I take things down and before putting new decor up. Purging clothes and kids toys that haven’t been touched in the past year. Wiping the slate clean before all of the action of spring and summer. So Mia Interiors is dedicating this week to Spring Cleaning and everything that goes along with it. From cute cleaning supplies that actually make you want to clean to organizational tips and tricks. We hope this week inspires you to get a fresh head start this spring!
To start off the week, we’re sharing beautiful neutral cleaning supplies that are just begging to be left out on the counter. I have had my fair share of bright red and blue brooms, neon sponges, and other unsightly cleaning tools. Hey they get the job done so if that’s what you got, work it. But if you’re looking to add some supplies to the arsenal, you might as well make them pretty to look at while you’re scrubbing away!